Dom Perignon

Dom Perignon Vintage 750ml

Born from an exceptionally contrasted year, Dom Pérignon Vintage reveals an unwavering presence. Somewhat dark at first, it proves tactile throughout the tasting, with a unique sense of touch. Born from a luminous year, Dom Pérignon Vintage is initially dark and tactile. As if the year’s extreme weather and the dryness of the earth beneath the sun had imparted a sense of mystery. Tactile, its inner generosity is a reassuring caress as the ripe matter gradually opens with floral, spicy, herbal and fruit impressions.

Tasting Notes:
Nose: Initially somewhat somber, with roasted notes and cacao powder. The nose then gradually opens, like a floral bouquet. Linden leaves, jasmine and finally peony, highlighting the spicy dimension of the wine, with anise and cardamom. A vegetal and fruity freshness massages the overall sensation with chlorophyll, orange peel and green papaya.
Palate: The wine is broad and horizontal. It spreads across the palate, delicate then generous. Tactile. Flesh of fresh peach and nectarine envelop sculpted bitter notes of citrus and gentian
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